Oasis - You've Got the Heart of a Star / Dezembro

É o último post do ano é verdade, queria deixar-vos uma música que gosto muito e que até foi a que ouvi durante a noite. Espero que gostem...

Cause you could only be what you are
And you've got the heart of a star
But the light never hits you
So be all you can
And just hold up your hands
Someday you'll understand why life never kissed you

(I hope so)



omg this lyrics just came from fucking nowhere on my head and i started writing and i might just have a new song and i feel like sharing it ( please don't steal ) :3

they tried to take out our wings
at moment we were born
but they didn't know
we were not anymore
like the ones who came before

and you've got to fly high
oh into the sky
the light you will find
and there you will shine

cause we all have wings
if you know what i mean
new heights we will seek

Feliz Natal e Bom Ano Novo

Eu sei que já venho tarde, mas é melhor que nada. Mas também como ninguém lê isto, it's ok.

Ainda que eu não ache piada ao natal ou ao meu natal, fi-lo o ano passado e voltarei a fazê-lo sempre, enquanto por aqui eu andar (ainda que ninguém se lembre que isto ainda existe). Eu só pretendo desejar o melhor natal e ano novo às bonitas pessoas que me acompanharam até hoje, nomeadamente aqueles que criaram este blogue, ainda que eu tenha ido num caminho diferente de todos eles.

Feliz Natal:


Joana Catarina
Cláudia Marta
Ana Isabel

A música para este natal é mais "natalícia" que a do ano passado e é de um anjo que conheci :3 (she is so freakin awesome isn't she!!!!???)

PS: Peace and beware of  darkness, André.

The one way road

If I ever make to the one way road again
I won't feel proud because I did it by myself
I'll feel sad because there was no one else left
To help me

Brandi Carlile - Fall Apart Again

You fall apart again and you can't find a friend
Don't turn to someone else because they won't understand
I don't want to hear
You say that you miss yesterday
If you don't like what you see
That means nothing to me

and you can...

Cause devils play, was yesterday
And I don't care about that at all

The Roller

Just call me the ROLLER!! I'm just gonna show ya!

Fiquei tão contente por ter descoberto isto nos meus anos que tive de o trazer comigo :)!

they know nothing...

 all of my friends who think that I'm blessed
they don't know my head is a mess
no, they don't know who I really am
and they don't know what
i am going been through 

and you my friend are a liar!
Oasis - Live Forever A Fine Frenzy - Whisper A Fine Frenzy - Ashes and Wine